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The Vigorous Vines



To make your cucumbers big and strong, keep them warm and they’ll grow long,

Plant them in a greenhouse or tunnel inside, and watch them get bigger and juicier with pride!


Runner Beans

Make a wigwam from canes and plant the seeds at the base,

Watch them grow into a secret hiding place!



Turn the seed on its side and make sure it has plenty of room,

Once you pick out all the small ones your big pumpkin will bloom!


French Climbing Beans

French beans are just so tasty, they really are lovely to eat,

Just grow them and pick them and cook them for tea, Bon Appetit!



Cucumber ‘Passandra’ 

Runner Beans ‘Enorma’ 

Pumpkins ‘Baby Bear’ 

French Climbing Bean ‘Cobra’

The Vigorous Vines (May-June)

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